Srečanje 500 Podjetnic bo 6. aprila 2023!Drage podjetnice, začetnice, pridružite se nam na največjem srečanju slovenskih podjetnic – 500 Podjetnic 2023, ki bo 6. aprila 2023 na Gospodarskem razstavišču v Ljubljani! Dovolite …
Social Innovation
Izpostavljamo prav posebno zgodbo udeleženke programa ActImpAct, Maje Modrijan. Verjetno se že sprašujete, zakaj pa je Maja tako zelo zanimiva?
The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology , in cooperation with ABC Accelerator , the Slovenian Regional Development Fund and the Fund 05 – a social investment institution , organized …
As part of the 4th Social Innovation Competition, in collaboration with Social Innovators of the Future from 15-17. October 2015, the Social Innovation Camp was held . The Social Innovation …
TOGETHER – Community of Private Institutions and Fund 05 – Social Investment Institution are the organizers of the SOCIAL INNOVATION 2014 competition, which is already the 3rd Social Innovation Competition …
KNOWN FINALISTS AND WINNER OF THE 2ND SOCIAL INNOVATION COMPETITION 2013From the 19 applications received, the commission selected 10 finalists for the 2nd Social Innovation Competition 2013.Among the finalists were …
From the 1st Social Innovation Competition 2012The “SOCIAL INNOVATION 2012” competition was organized by Fund 05 – a social investment institution in cooperation with SKUP, Brez profit and ŠENT.The competition …