Teambuilding.si, IKSA vizija d.o.o.
Venture name: Teambuilding.si, IKSA vizija d.o.o.
Our name: Eva Ferjan
Short description of our activities: We help to raise workplace energy in the companies- - so that it has a beneficial impact on the company, on the employees, and consequently on society.
Status: Women (ženske)
Website: https://teambuilding.si/
Address where you can purchase our products: https://teambuilding.si/
Our support organisation: Skupnost slovenskih podjetnic
The industry we belong to: P. EDUCATION (izobraževanje)
We contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
SDG 3 - GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING (zdravje in dobro počutje), SDG 4 - QUALITY EDUCATION (kakovostno izobraževanje), SDG 5 - GENDER EQUALITY (enakost spolov), SDG 8 - DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH (dostojno delo in gospodarska rast), SDG 9 - INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE (industrija, inovacije in infrastruktura), SDG 10 - REDUCED INEQUALITY (zmanjšanje neenakosti), SDG 11 - SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES (trajnostna mesta in skupnosti), SDG 12 - RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION (odgovorna poraba in proizvodnja), SDG 16 - PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS (mir, pravičnost in močne institucije), SDG 17 - PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS (partnerstva za doseganje ciljev)
Society challenge we tackle and our approach to solving it:
We help to raise workplace energy in the companies- - so that it has a beneficial impact on the company (efficiency), on the employees (well-being, quality of life), and consequently on society.
Companies are losing daily as teamwork could be done faster, more efficiently, with fewer costs and more flow; employees are losing as they are not satisfied as they could be; they are trying hard, but the output is often far from what it could be, and they are bringing stress from work also to their private life. Society is losing as the well-being of each of us impacts the others around (happy, fulfilled, satisfied people spread this vibe around as dis-satisfied, stressed people are spreading that kind of depressed vibe around - consciously and unconsciously)
There is no magic wand, but, shifts to better energy at the workplace in companies are possible, especially if they are supported by top management.
We facilitate those shifts with various workshops and training for teamwork, better self-awareness, and interpersonal skills - best if it is continuous, and offer also top management coaching to support shifts in the company to happen.
For people that are stuck at work and suffer we offer deep transformational coaching that supports even the most complicated and confusing situations to clarify and resolve - so they can breathe more freely and finally find their beneficial path forward with their work.
We want to increase positive impact, including sustainability, social impact, inclusion in charity actions and changes of policies with our following activities:
I see here a great sustainable impact - raising the quality of life of employees in companies, as people are spending a huge part of their life at the workplace - so the quality of life there impacts their quality of life and well-being at all. Their well-being impacts others - at home and around, so it is important for society, what vibe one is sharing around. At the same time people who are satisfied at work, are less likely to get sick, and less likely to leave the company, so it is kind of sustainable also this way.
I see more than changing policies and regulation is crucial to spread AWARENESS, that well-being at the workplace impacts society and that it is the responsibility of all of us, to contribute to better and healthier workplaces.
It is crucial to spread the awareness to the top management, executives, and business owners and show them also their responsibility to all of society, not just to their employees. Here I see it would be worth going to connect with business schools (eg. IEDC) and make some workshops for managers - as they will be then influencers in their companies.
At the same time, there is a need to teach employees and show them their power and their responsibility to co-create a healthy and satisfying work atmosphere, which we do with various workshops and training for employees.
The challenge is also teamwork, as a lot of energy (time, money, willpower) can be spared with better teamwork, and it also contributes then to a better work atmosphere. Here we do professional team building, intending that people recognize what is the real value of teamwork and what steps they can do at the workplace to come to better team performance.
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Photo of impact venture
![]() Personal or a team photo |
![]() Photo of impact venture |