My Impact Solution offers impact ventures the opportunity to present their impact stories. Presenting impact stories is a good exercise for impact ventures to describe which social challenge or problem their impact idea targets and their approach to solving it.
Presentations also include the possibility for ventures to tell us more about sustainable impact, care for the environment and nature, and social impact, including impact on the underserved. They can present their impact action to contribute to solving the society challenge and work with other stakeholders and organisations, including their view on needed changes in policies, regulations or measures that could solve the challenge.

We helped to develop and present many impact solutions.
You can find their stories here.
Your solution will also be presented. Therefore, we suggest you answer in English to enable the international audience to understand your impact idea. We added a Slovenian translation of the questionnaire since the first 150 ventures participating in the ActImpAct program were from Slovenia. If you answer in other languages, the audience can still use translation tools on our web page to understand your story.