To access our exclusive member content, you’ll need to subscribe to one of our membership packages.
Za dostop do naše ekskluzivne članske vsebine se morate naročiti na enega od naših članskih paketov.
0,00 €
12 Months Free Membership
- Newsletter by e-mail
- Free use of selected AI tools
- Free use of the impact score procedure
99,00 €
12 Months Membership
- Newsletter by e-mail
- "Impact Design insight" workshop and "Incorporating the positive impact of the company into the business plan " workshop, 50% discount
- Free use of selected AI tools
- Free use of the impact score procedure
- Discount on "Impact know how" workshops
- Participation in the annual AIAI Impact event with a discount
- Discount at international events co-organized by AIAI (EN, SEWF, etc.)
- Impact Nest with a discount
- Access to the library, materials, literature
299,00 €
12 Months Membership
- Newsletter by e-mail
- Impact design insight workshop - free participation
- Free use of AI tools
- Free acquisition of People and Planet First - PPF certificate, which includes joining fee, free use of AI tools, free consultation and creation of a plan for the implementation of PPF
- Free use of the impact score procedure, free 2 hours for assessment, use of the impact pledge in public
- Free "Impact line" - permanent availability for impact consulting
- Free one-hour consultation regarding the financing of impact activities
- Free participation in one Impact Know How workshop
- Participation in "Impact know how" workshops with a discount
- Free participation in the annual AIAI Impact event
- Discount at international events co-organized by AIAI (EN, SEWF, etc.)
- The possibility to present members' impact venture within My Impact Solution
- The possibility of promoting members' services through AIAI channels
- Access to the library, materials, literature
- The possibility of co-designing policies through participation in the ESEM program
- Possibility of participation in joint projects, programs and applications (e.g. Buy Social, etc.).
12 Months Membership
- The IMPACT BULK package is intended for membership organisations, accelerators and incubators, support environments for impact and social economy, development agencies, and other stakeholders offering impact development support to social and other economy ventures and organisations.
- The IMPACT BULK package enables them to gain a selected number of licences to use our services for a very affordable price.
- Organisations can define their package, including the number of licences and content of support services, workshops, and consultancy, depending on their needs and goals.
- An example of a BULK package according to the client's wishes:
Package/ ServicePackage + Ai IncludedPrice per LicenceRookyRooky Package + Ai Simple Impact, People and Planet
3 Licences, 79,00 EUR
Fan Package + Ai All Tools2 Licences, 299,00 EUR
AIAI All Tools
12 Licenses, 79,00 EUR
1.783,00 EUR
0,00 €
12 mesečno brezplačno članstvo
- Novice po elektronski pošti
- Brezplačna uporaba izbranih AI orodij
- Brezplačna uporaba impact score postopka
99,00 €
12 mesečno članstvo
- Novice po elektronski pošti
- »Impact Design insight« delavnica in delavnica »Vključevanje pozitivnih vplivov podjetja v poslovni načrt«, 50% popust
- Brezplačna uporaba izbranih AI orodij
- Brezplačna uporaba impact score postopka
- Popust na »Impact know how« delavnicah
- Udeležba na letnem AIAI Impact dogodku s popustom
- Popust na mednarodnih dogodkih katerih soorganizator je AIAI (EN, SEWF itd)
- Impact Nest s popustom
- Dostop do knjižnice, gradiv, literature
299,00 €
12 mesečno članstvo
- Novice po elektronski pošti
- Impact design insight delavnica - brezplačna udeležba
- Brezplačna uporaba AI orodij
- Brezplačna pridobitev certifikata People and Planet First – PPF, kar vkjučuje pristopnino, brezplačno uporabo AI orodij, brezplačno svetovanje in izdelavo načrta za izvajanje PPF
- Brezplačna uporaba impact score postopka, brezplačen 2h za assesment, uporaba impact pledga v javnosti
- Free »Impact line« - stalna dostopnost za impact svetovanje
- Brezplačna eno urna konzultacija glede financiranja impact dejavnosti
- Brezplačna udeležba na eni Impact Know How delavnici
- Udeležba na »Impact know how« delavnicah s popustom
- Brezplačna udeležba na letnem AIAI Impact dogodku
- Popust na mednarodnih dogodkih katerih soorganizator je AIAI (EN, SEWF itd)
- Možnost predstavitve impact podjema člana v okviru My Impact Solution
- Možnost promocije storitev članov preko AIAI kanalov
- Dostop do knjižnice, gradiv, literature
- Možnost sooblikovanja politik preko sodelovanja pri programu ESEM
- Možnost sodelovanja v skupnih projektih, programih in prijavah (npr. Buy Social itd).
12 mesečno članstvo
- Paket IMPACT BULK je namenjen članskim organizacijam, pospeševalnikom in inkubatorjem, podpornim okoljem za vpliv in socialno ekonomijo, razvojnim agencijam in drugim deležnikom, ki nudijo podporo razvoju vpliva družbenim in drugim gospodarskim podjetjem in organizacijam.
- Paket IMPACT BULK jim omogoča pridobitev izbranega števila licenc za uporabo naših storitev po zelo ugodni ceni.
- Naročnik lahko po lastnih potrebah oblikuje vsebino paketa glede na njegove potrebe in cilje, tako glede števila licenc kot tudi vsebin podpornih storitev, delavnic in svetovanj.
- Primer BULK paketa po željah naročnika:
Paket / StoritevPaket + Ai vključenCena na licencoRooky
Rooky paket + Ai Simple Impact, People and Planet
3 licence: 79,00 EUR
Fan paket + Ai vsa orodja
2 licenci: 299,00 EUR
AIAI All Tools
12 licenc: 79,00 EUR
1.783,00 EUR