In the first part, we looked into the impact field IMPACT OWNERSHIP, where the goal is to determine if the impact and its maximisation are significant for the SCS owner. How does the company see its impact and potential, and how far is it willing to go? We looked into impact groups 1. MAINSTREAM, and 2. MANAGEMENT.
We continue with the other four groups within the IMPACT OWNERSHIP field.
The third group relates to resources and knowledge. The owner of SCS shall determine and provide the persons and resources necessary for the effective operation. The owner will also ensure the staff’s understanding of impact maximisation. Is impact maximisation defined as a task for employed people, and how many people are involved (% of the whole team)? How is staff educated about impact?
In the fifth group, we focus on impact inclusion into the processes and link to competitiveness. Impact design and other concrete methodological tools for maximisation are substantially included in the owner’s processes and business model. How is impact maximisation included in the working process? Which processes? Does the owner integrate such tools more concretely into the development and innovation process? Is there a defined connection and link between impact and competitiveness?
In the last group, we no longer focus on venture and general processes but on concrete SCS (product or service) that we assess in impact design scoring. While being developed and implemented, is SCS based on and evaluated by systematic tools? Which impact development tool is the owner using to create SCS?
These groups help us understand the SCS owner (company) framework and the potential for impact mainstreaming. Based on that, we can start with the indicators we will present in the following posts. Next time, we will continue with the subsequent impact field – SOCIETY CHALLENGE.
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We are developing Impact Design within the ActImpAct project supported by and implemented in 2022-2024.