Impact Design
We offer systemic high impact design and simplified simple impact design for society challenges solutions.
Impact Investment
We support you with tailored impact investment, bridge loan, donation and other innovative financing resources.
Artificial Intelligence for Impact Entrepreneurship – AI f IE program to maximise your impact.Impact AlertsView All
Do you want to become an impact entrepreneur or scale your impact venture, making good for people and the planet?
Select one of the FUND2740 AI TOOLS or book an exclusive LIVE IMPACT CHAT with FUND2740 CEO Primoz Sporar. LIVE IMPACT CALL is free of costs. AI TOOLS are available with membership packages.
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LIVE IMPACT CHAT is a vital part of our pledge to the European Commission to introduce Impact Design to 500 SMEs, impact and social economy organisations. It is conducted via Google Meet, a user-friendly platform that ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience.
FUND2740. We create Impactverse.
FUND2740 – High Impact Foundation vision is a world where all people’s choices make a positive high-impact and create a better world (we call it Impactverse).
Our mission is to develop tools and to motivate people, charities and companies to cherish social and environmental objectives. Our activities include Impact Design, Impact Investment, Impact Solutions and other programs for high-impact.
FUND2740 is a not-for-profit foundation offering free services and support to the underserved, charities and social economy organisations. Over 400 donors and investors, including are supporting our activities.
Read our story here.
Support us and create your Impact.
In November 2022, FUND2740 pledged to the European Commission that we will introduce Impact Design to 500 SMEs and social economy organisations from different industries until 2025.
AIAI – ActImpAct Initiative. Join AIAI or use AIAI services here.
For donation or impact investment, please check here.
For volunteering and including your expertise in our activities, please check here.
Salon lepote Kleopatra
Venture name: Salon lepote Kleopatra
Our name: SALON LEPOTE KLEOPATRA, Nevenka Zagorc, s.p.
Short description of our activities: Salon lepote Kleopatra je oaza miru in počitka, sredi mesta, kamor lahko pobegnete za kakšno urico. V pomirjujočem okolju vam nudimo različne tretmaje za sproščanje telesa in duha. Vsak človek je edinstven, neponovljiv in tako so edinstvene tudi njegove potrebe. Zato se mi prilagajamo željam in potrebam vsakega posameznika.
Status: Women (ženske)
Address where you can purchase our products:
Our support organisation: Skupnost slovenskih podjetnic
The industry we belong to: Q. HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (zdravstvo in socialno varstvo)
We contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
SDG 3 - GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING (zdravje in dobro počutje), SDG 4 - QUALITY EDUCATION (kakovostno izobraževanje)
Society challenge we tackle and our approach to solving it:
Ozaveščanje žensk, da poskrbijo za zdravo telo, kar jim omogoča zdravo življenje in dobro počutje v vseh življenjskih obdobjih. Poslovna ideja salona lepote Kleopatra je povezana s socialnim izzivom, ki se nanaša na potrebo po oazi miru in sprostitve v hitrem mestnem življenju. V današnjem tempu življenja ljudje pogosto doživljajo stres in potrebujejo prostor za sprostitev. Salon lepote Kleopatra prinaša rešitev s tem, da ustvarja prijeten in umirjen ambient, kjer stranke lahko doživijo sprostitev, razvajanje in nego. Poleg tega, z osebnim pristopom in posvečanjem pozornosti individualnim potrebam, poskrbi za edinstveno izkušnjo vsake stranke, spodbuja pozitiven odnos do lastnega telesa ter gradi trajne in zaupljive odnose s strankami.
We want to increase positive impact, including sustainability, social impact, inclusion in charity actions and changes of policies with our following activities:
Personal or a team photo
Photo of impact venture
Personal or a team photo | Photo of impact venture |
Impact investment Data
FUND2740 is a trusted brand.
Total impact investors and donors 407
International 9
National 398
Our services were used, among others, by: