The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) provides modest funding for small-scale, high-impact projects in more than 120 countries eligible for official development assistance (ODA). The CFLI has an annual …
This course offers attendees a nuanced and practical understanding of tailored financing and non-financial support. Built with the pooled insights of Impact Europe’s changemakers, it’s designed for impact investors, organisations …
10-Week Advanced Peer-learning Program on Impact Measurement and Management. Gain actionable insights and the tools to measure and manage your social impact!
In 2024, CSR Europe will host in Brussels the European Sustainable Industry Summit (June 25-26) and the online Sustainability Open Day (September 26).
On 20-21 March 2024 we will be bringing together impact-driven leaders, representatives of non-profit and social enterprise (inter)national alliances.
- Fund2740
Pospeševalnik Conoslid8 – Pospeševalni program za ustvarjanje središč za podporo ekosistemu družbenih inovacij
Pospeševalnik za ekosistem družbenih inovacij Consolid8 se bo začel aprila 2024. Vodi ga DEEP Ecosystems in partnerji projekta Consolid8.
Holiday traditions around the world unite us as humans, bringing us together with our loved ones and communities and sparking moments of joy through food, song, decorations, and gift-giving. There …
😁 ALERT! 🚩 we are looking for social entrepreneurs from MENA and MEDITERRANEAN region for an exciting on-line Peer Exchange + possibility to join us in person in Lebanon! 🔴 …
Posamezniki in podjetja imajo na razpolago čedalje več sredstev in so motivirani za spopadanje z najbolj perečimi družbenimi in okoljskimi izzivi. Podjetja so pričela delovati odgovorno in trajnostno ter so …
Individuals and businesses have more and more resources and willingness to tackle the most pressing social and environmental challenges. Companies are starting to operate in a responsible and sustainable manner, …